Escot, a non-profit organization, was established in 1997 with the main purpose of reducing the environmental impact of international transportation.
Later, it merged with Soft Energy Research Institute and became an NPO in 2002.
Our activities involve developing and providing society with know-how, equipment, and systems specific to environmental and energy issues.
Main accomplishments:
1) Cultivation of vegetables such as water spinach on the surface of Lake Teganuma in Chiba Prefecture, which had the highest eutrophication level in Japan = “Lake Farming Method”
2) Development of an ultrasonic device that performs aeration using the photosynthetic ability of algal blooms = “Blue-green Algae Buster”
③ Developed a DIY solar heat recovery system using improved hollow polycarbonate resin = “Heator Panel”
④ Developed a “disaster prevention eco-window fitting” that allows window glass to be multi-layered reinforced from the outside by DIY
⑤ Continuous round-trip use of international ocean container land transportation became an industry standard ni = “container round use”
*Floating organic cultivation of water spinach = food production using deposited nutrients, no pesticides, no fertilizers, and no chain problems

*Ultrasonic waves destroy only the swim bladder inside algae cells = Photosynthesis occurs on the bottom mud, which is a means of increasing oxygen concentration in the water.

* Photo left: Normal blue-green algae / Photo right: Blue-green algae whose intracellular swim bladder was crushed by ultrasonic waves

*DIY multilayer reinforcement of window glass from the outside using special metal fittings = Prevents windows from breaking due to typhoons and gusts and saves energy

*Reinforcement of cracked fishery cooperative windows facing the sea

*Water cooling = radiant heat recovery by hanging panels with water channels on the ceiling. The water that has absorbed heat is used in toilets, etc.

Major awards:
Chiba Environmental Culture Award: Organic vegetable production and water purification manufacturing idea grand prize using lake farming (Kashiwa City): Eco Company Grand Prize for promoting energy
saving and increasing insulation and multi-layer reinforcement of windows using hollow window guards (Kashiwa City)
City): Evaluation of zero-energy laboratory operations
Energy Globe Award (Austria): DIY solar heat recovery system development and dissemination activities
Registration in Stanford University Archive Library: Overall achievements to date
*”ENERGY GLOBE AWARD” awarded for solar heat recovery system Source
: “Energy Globe Award”, an international environmental award originating from Austria, at the Austrian Embassy

- Manufacture and sale of “solar heat recovery system” with energy conversion efficiency of 50% or more
- Start of trial sales of “wave upwelling pump” to revitalize fisheries resources and suppress sea surface temperature rise
- “Disaster Prevention Eco Window Attachment Fittings” are now on sale to enhance the energy saving and disaster prevention capabilities of windows.
- Developing systems to reduce environmental impact in international transportation and providing consulting services
- GX (Green Trans) support consultant service started
NPO Escott contributes to global environmental conservation as a neutral and fair non-profit organization.

Latest videos and materials about wave upwelling pumps
1. Video: Climate change countermeasure mechanism of wave upwelling device ⇒Click here
2. Video: Wave-type upwelling pump explanation video ⇒Click here
3. Source: Latest information: Effect verification experiment results using wave-type upwelling pump

*This is an order form for disaster prevention eco-friendly window fittings. (For email and fax): Word paper