An inland port spreading its wings around the world

2.Five characteristics of Sano Inland Port
3.Mechanism of container round use
4.Introduction of the facility
What is Sano Inland Port?
Sano Inland Port, developed by Sano City in Tochigi Prefecture and operated by Yoshida Transport Co., Ltd., takes full advantage of its location as a key transportation hub, and is expected to revitalize the region, improve the efficiency of maritime container transportation, and We aim to contribute to reducing environmental impact. In order to serve everyone as an inland port that is easy for everyone to use, we are actively developing unprecedented initiatives such as container round use as well as a 24-hour reception system. We will introduce a new logistics style from Sano Inland Port.
Five characteristics of Sano Inland Port
Actively coordinate container round use
Actively coordinating container round use
At Sano Inland Port, we are actively coordinating container round use. It not only helps users improve logistics efficiency and reduce costs, but also greatly contributes to reducing environmental impact and countering traffic congestion in port areas.
Sano Inland Port is available 24 hours a day
The Sano Inland Port will operate 24 hours a day, and we aim to create an environment where it is easy for transport companies to participate in the container round use business (make it easy for them to stop by the Inland Port).
In addition, as a consideration for drivers who are detained for long periods of time, we have set up a rest area within the facility that is available 24 hours a day, contributing to the health management of drivers.
*On-chassis service is available at night.
Establishment of container management and maintenance system
Containers will be inspected at Sano Inland Port, and if any damage is found, simple repairs will be made. It is possible to provide containers to users more safely.
We also accept users who come for the sole purpose of repair.
Introduced large cargo handling machine (reach stacker)
Introduced a large cargo handling machine called “Reach Stacker,” which is used exclusively for loading, unloading, and transporting containers. Improves cargo handling efficiency.
Introducing truck scale
Compliant with international conventions (SOLAS Convention), it is possible to measure cargo weight and unbalanced loads (container balance).

Mechanism of container round use
Normally, sea containers used for import and export are picked up from the port and returned to the port after delivery.
For export, the cargo must be picked up at the port during container vanning.
The transport of empty containers is causing chronic traffic congestion around Tokyo Bay.
Container round use involves reusing containers used for imports via inland depots to match exports.
This allows it to be transported round-trip as a full container.

Introduction of the facility
Sano Inland Port is equipped with the latest equipment to meet the various needs of our customers.
We have also obtained bonded storage permission, so we are able to handle foreign cargo as well.
We have also installed an entrance/exit gate system and surveillance cameras to strengthen our security, ensuring that our valued customers’ products are safely and securely stored 24 hours a day. LED lighting has been installed to allow for safe and secure work.
Current trends
Logistics becomes unstable due to traffic jams due to empty containers being brought in and out! CO2 emissions are also increasing!!
Normally, sea containers used for imports and exports must be returned to the port after delivery if they are imports, and must be collected at the port at the time of collection if they are exports. The forwarding of empty containers has caused chronic traffic congestion around Keihin Port. Additionally, import/export companies are facing major issues in terms of logistics stability, and shipping companies are facing major issues in terms of CO2 emissions.
Container round use method
It can be transported round-trip as a full container.
Containers used for import are reused for export via inland ports, etc., and can be transported round-trip as full containers. At Sano Inland Port, we will actively develop container round use.
Click here for a facility overview of Sano Inland Port
Sano Inland Port
Designated Manager Yoshida Transportation Co., Ltd.
2500-3 Tonaracho, Sano City, Tochigi Prefecture 327-0323
FAX: +81-283-86-9112