Reinforced windows with bulletproof glass material (Winner of the Manufacturing Idea Grand Prize)
External enforcement is the basis for crime prevention, disaster prevention, and energy conservation
This is an ultra-flat metal fitting for attaching hollow polycarbonate, the same material as bulletproof glass, to the outside of the glass surface. (Patented product) If
the screw part is fixed in a special way, it is almost impossible to remove.

It is also registered as a gift in return for the Kashiwa City Hometown Tax Donation Program. (It is also a Kashiwa City Eco Window Certified Item.)
Please use it if you are considering safe, secure, and energy-saving renovations.
Donation amount of 21,000 yen will earn you 8 windows ⇒here

It is inexpensive and easy to install (DIY), and also has energy-saving and soundproofing functions.

Approximately 70% of infections come in through windows.
Crimes that break windows, regardless of whether the occupant is present or not, are on the rise.
Measures such as film and wire-reinforced glass, which take time to break into, may no longer be sufficient…