Food waste recycling by soldier fly

We are resuming research into the potential of the black soldier fly!

Food waste today:

What is American waterfly?

Examples of use in China:

A savior to help ease China’s vexing food waste problem

In China, with a population of 1.4 billion, each person wastes nearly 30 kilograms of food per year.

Black soldier fly larvae are native to the Americas and eat twice their body weight in food scraps per day.
On average, one kilogram of larvae can consume two kilograms of garbage in four hours.

Farmers in Pengshan, Sichuan province,
are feeding the larvae to livestock as a high-protein feed and using the waste as organic fertilizer.

“If you put a fish in a swarm of black soldier fly larvae, all that’s left is white bones,” said Wang Jinhua, president
of Chengwei Environment, which buys its discarded food from waste collectors from 2,000 restaurants in Chengdu .

Culture testing at Escot:

①The processing speed is far faster than that of microorganisms.

②They are often confused with maggots found in pit toilets, but unlike flies, they do not fly around the home in search of food.

③Even though they are called horseflies, they do not sting people.

4. Disadvantages: There is a peculiar smell / the eating scene is greedy and I don’t want to watch it, etc.

Generates strong alkali: Presumed to have a bactericidal effect.

Clean every nook and cranny of leftover bento boxes using the power of alkali: This could potentially reduce the amount of cleaning required when sorting trays.

Taste experiment: By mixing meat, fish, vegetables, etc., nutritional balance is achieved. Meat seems to be a favorite.

Early culture equipment: Still in use, but a heating system is required for year-round use.
 *We are considering installing a solar-powered electrothermal conversion device while improving heat retention and heat collection.

American Water Horse Video: It is recommended that you do not watch this if you are eating.



They are convenient insects for humans because they eat leftovers and can themselves become food for livestock and farmed fish…?

Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Arthropoda
Class : Insecta Order
: Diptera Suborder
: Brachycera Infraorder
: Scorpionidae
Family : Stratiomyomorpha Subfamily : Stratiomyidae
: Hermetia
Species : American soldier fly H. illucens


Haruo Fujimoto, Representative Director of NPO Escot

080-4365-0861 fax:04-7166-4128


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